11月15日ILLUMINITE 圣诞点灯仪式

北美健康生活网-多伦多社区 youlife.ca 2014-11-11

这周六的Illuminite点灯仪式 ,是一年一度的圣诞点灯仪式,预示着圣诞假期的到来,现场各种美丽的灯饰,变幻多彩。现场的表演,乐队今年又有新的花样,设立在广场中心的巨型圣诞树,上面的52,000 LED灯将会一起闪烁,赶快约上小伙伴早点去占位吧。另外晚间注意户外保暖。

时间:11月15日 17:00-19:30

地点:Yonge Dundas Square, 1 Dundas Street E.

电话:416-597-0255 ext.215


Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area promises another spectacular tree-lighting ceremony at Yonge-Dundas Square.

Audience will witness no ordinary holiday lighting ceremony. Using different spaces in and around Yonge-Dundas Square, performers will appear from every corner and will leave the audience in awe. Get your cameras ready, and take snapshots as characters never seen before in Toronto walk around through the crowd; look up as vertical ballet dancers gracefully use the walls as dance floors; dance to the beat as the funky jazz band battles it out with DJ J-Lah! Be prepared to be surprised at every turn.

Take the whole family and experience this one-of-a kind show that culminates with fireworks and the lighting of 52,000 LED lights.

11月15日Illuminite 圣诞点灯仪式

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·标签关键字:11月15日Illuminite 圣诞点灯仪式 圣诞,点灯,仪式






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