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For those who don't read in Chinese.

Olive for cooking has been known as good for health. But be careful!

If the bottle is labeled "Extra Virgin", the product is super! It was made with the first time oild squeezed out from olives and is good for all ways of cooking and salad mixture.

If it is labeled "pure", that was the 2nd. or 3rd. time squeezed out oil and is good for all cooking but not for mixing salad.

If it is labeled "olive oil' or "macro olive oil", it is the 4th or 5th time using heat to squeeze out oil. These are cheaper but can cause cancers. They can only be used in industry. Please be careful!

> 小心橄欖油 -

> 果然便宜無好貨,大家小心囉!

> 橄欖渣油含有致癌物,購買時小心辨識,低等廉價橄欖油含有致癌物,如無標示 Extra Virgin或 pure 不可食用。

> 以榨過油的殘渣製成的低等橄欖油

> (macro olive oil)

> 發現有碳氫化合物,「賓士皮爾林」(benzopyrene苯駢菲焦油腦)的致癌物,在外國已下令撤架,購買時應小心辨識,免傷害身體。

> 消費者選購時應注意包裝標示:

> ExtraVirgin:「特級油橄欖油」,表示第一道榨出的,可以生拌沙拉及青菜或煎、煮、炒、炸。

> Pure:「純橄欖油」表示第二榨及第三榨榨出後,與初榨油依一定比例調配而成之次級油,可以煎、煮、炒、炸,但不可生拌沙拉或青菜。

> Oliver Oil 或 Macro Oliver Oil :「低等橄欖油」表示第四榨或第五榨以上,以熱榨出之油,因可能含有致癌物,一般作為工業用途、飼料、燈油等,不可食用。

·标签关键字:小心橄欖油Olive Oil 乐趣文章








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