北美健康生活网-多伦多社区 youlife.ca 02-01 健康评论()

In January the weather was so cold that bald eagles were cruising over ourhouses looking for cats to make a quick meal. Some kind souls decided to feed the eagles down at Goose Spit so they would survive the cold.Here you canwhat happened. A former teaching colleague took these photos in front of his home. They are incredible!

Feeding the Eagles!
Comox, B..C., Vancouver Island , Jan. 2009..

A beautiful morning feeding the eagles, Jan. 2009

Feeding the Eagles. Jan. 2009

Eagles fighting for the fish. Jan. 2009

No zoom lens used here! I was this close!

Here are the men who were feeding them, pretty amazing to get this close!

It was not too long ago, that the American Bald Eagle was an endangered species
....! !

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