北美健康生活网-多伦多社区 02-01 健康评论()

Now this might just fly!

Terrafugia has completed flight testing of the Transition POC (Proof of Concept). Introducing the Transition喔傕箛. Simply land at the airport, fold your wings up and drive home.

Fly a distance of 725 kilometers at speeds of 115 km /hour;requiresa special license todrive and fly


The time required for the transition from plane to car takes less than 30 seconds..

Vehicle speed 185 km /hour, range is 724 km on highways

Vehicle is fueled with gasoline, and the price of the car is expected to be around $200,000.

The first shipment will be in 2011

The time required for the transition from plane to car takes less than 30 seconds..

Vehicle speed 185 km /hour, range is 724 km on highways

Vehicle is fueled with gasoline, and the price of the car is expected to be around $200,000.

The first shipment will be in 2011

·标签关键字:Flying Car 乐趣文章








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