
北美健康生活网-多伦多社区 youlife.ca 2013-06-18 来源:頤康中心

頤康中心獲安省延齡草基金會撥款,與多倫多大學社會工作學院合作剛完成一項名為「大多市華裔長者轉變中的需要」(The Changing Needs of Chinese Seniors in the Greater Toronto Area) 的社區研究,並於六月十九日假頤康士嘉堡麥瀝高中心舉行研究成果發報會,屆時將有政府官員、機構代表、曾參與研究的長者與關顧者及社區人士出席。該項研究重點課題包括:

1. 環境的轉變,例如人口結構和社會環境
2. 人生階段的重大變遷,例如移民、退休或患上長期病患等
3. 由於服務使用者與服務系統的互動而浮現的需要。

日期 Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2013; 六月十九日星期三
時間 Time: 10:30 a.m.; 上午十時半
地點 Place: Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care – Scarborough McNicoll
2311 McNicoll Avenue, Scarborough; 頤康士嘉堡麥瀝高中心

泊車 Parking: Identify yourself as media and follow the instruction of the parking patrol; 傳媒請按停車場內工作人員指示泊車

Speakers at the press conference include該日講者包括:
· Kaiyan Fu – CEO, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care (in Mandarin)
頤康中心首席行政總監傅開顏女士 (國)
· Kwong Y. Liu – Director of Social Services (in Cantonese)
頤康中心社會服務總監廖廣源先生 (粵)
· Prof. Ka Tat Tsang – Professor at the University of Toronto Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work and Principal Investigator of the study (in English)
多倫多大學社會工作學院曾家達教授及首席研究員 (英)
· Community people in response to the report

Officially opened in October 1994, Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care is a caring community where seniors enjoy a continuum of culturally and linguistically appropriate care to live their lives to the fullest - in the healthiest, most independent and dignified ways. With a person-centred approach, Yee Hong annually fulfills close to 200,000 service requests for seniors and families across the GTA, through its 4 centres operating a total of 805 long-term care beds8 life-lease units, medical clinics and numerous satellite outreach offices delivering community services. The waiting list for our long-term care beds has surpassed 3,000 – the longest in Ontario. In order to sustain high quality care and our wide range of community services, Yee Hong Community Wellness Foundation raises funds to support our operations.


"Write to the Govt" to ask for more long-term care beds at www.yeehong.com

Anna Victoria Wong, B.A. Hons, B.Sc, B.AdEd, MBA, ABC, Chartered Marketer, PMP, 6 Sigma Black Belt
Director of Communications
Yee Hong Centre for Geriatric Care
2780 Bur Oak Avenue
Markham, OntarioL6B 1C9
Tel: (416) 412-4571 ext. 1107
Cell: (416) 886-6694
Fax: (905) 471-3223
E-mail: anna.wong@yeehong.com
Web: www.yeehong.com

·标签关键字:六月十九日頤康中心研究成果發報會 長者,研究成果






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